PAIGE STAINLESS HEELGUARD® is Full GreenTag Certified for LCARate and GreenRate

Paige Stainless Fabrications – Heelguard Stainless Steel grate and tray plus grate and frame systems have been awarded with a Global GreenTag LCARate™ GOLD Streamlined GreenRate Level A certification under the Global GreenTag CertTM Product Certification Program:

Global GreenTag Logo Plus Level A Gold

PAIGE STAINLESS HEELGUARD® Rating Tool Credit:Heelguard Stainless Steel  grate and tray plus grate and frame systems also hold a ISO 14025 Global GreenTag EPD™ (Environmental Product Declaration):

Paige Stainless LCARate EcoPOINT scorecard

Heelguard Stainless steel grate and tray plus grate and frame systems are a safe, slip resistant architectural finish ideal for public spaces as women’s high heel shoes cannot penetrate thus reducing trip hazards. It uses 100% Australian manufactured wedge wire grating and is manufactured from either 304 or 316-grade stainless steel.

It is suitable for civil, commercial and residential applications ranging from bathrooms, poolside, pedestrian walkways, driveway crossovers, balconies and landscaping.

Under the LCARate certification, the products were tested and assessed through a ‘beyond LCA’ Life Cycle Analysis, which employs a Cradle to Grave process and compared against a competitor’s product to produce a Net Positive metric and EcoPOINT Scorecard to show how sustainable the Heelguard product range is. Heelguard received a GOLD rating under the LCARate program. It was rated in categories of Product Synergy, Health & Ecotoxicity, Biodiversity, LCA Score, GHG (Greenhouse Gas emissions) and Social Responsibility, to score a Global GreenTag EcoPOINT of 0.48 – indicating that the product is a planet and health neutral product, with excellent ethics.

The product also received a Global GreenTag GreenRate™ Level A certification. Under the GBCA (Green Building Council of Australia) Green Star® rating tools, which recognise GreenRate certifications, the products can be used in projects registered with Green Star, and can earn credit points for those projects under the following Green Star tools:

  • Green Star® ‘Buildings v1.0’ Rating Tools Credits:
    Recognized for Credit/s: Credit 9: Responsible Finishes
  • Green Star® ‘Design & As Built v1.3’ and ‘Interiors v1.3’ Rating Tools Credits: 
    Recognized for Credit/s: Sustainable Products
  • GreenStar “Performance 1.2” Rating Tools Credit: 
    Recognized for Credit/s: Credit 21: Procurement and Purchasing (Refurbishment Materials)
  • IS® v1.2 Credit:
    Recognized for Credit/s: Mat-2 Environmentally Labelled Products and Supply Chain
  • IS® Design & As-Built v2.1 Credit:
    Recognized for Credit/s: Rso-7 Sustainability Labelled Products and Supply Chains
  • Earthcheck® Rating Tool Credit:
    Recognized for Credit/s: Sustainable Materials

Global GreenTag first developed the GreenRate assessment scheme to align with the green building features of the Green Star® rating tools, created by the Green Building Council of Australia and since evolved with implementation into other countries under the Green Building Councils of South Africa and New Zealand. In addition, the GreenRate Mark is also recognised in more than 38 countries under the WELL™ Building Program (under Feature 04 Certificaton) and also by other unique green rating tools, including GreenTech Malaysia’s MyHIJAU ecolabelling program, Singapore BCA’s Green Mark® International Rating Tool and Vietnam’s GBC’s LOTUS® rating tool.

  • To view all the details on our Global GreenTag site –Click here
  • To go directly to our product page on GreenTag – Click here
  • To view our certificate – Click here
  • To view our Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) – Click here
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No one else has manufactured Heelguard to the Architectural Industry for over 20 years to the Australian Design Standard!

  • 100% Australian Owned.
  • Material selection covering grade 304 & 316.
  • Certification available upon request.
  • Wheelchair compliant AS1428.2 (part 2 clause 9C)
  • Cycle safe AS 3996 (clause 3.3.6)
  • Grates Aligned to Aust / NZ standards for LOAD RATING.
  • Grates aligned to Aust / NZ standards for SLIP RESISTANCE VALUES.
  • Our Heelguard stainless  steel grate and tray plus grate and frame systems product has undergone Full GreenTag Certification (Global GreenTagCert™ GreenRate Level A Certified) meaning it is both:
  • LCARate Gold Streamlined” and “GreenRate Level A” certified.
  • Designing for aesthetics and functionality.
We are the only company to curve wedge wire HEELGUARD channel and grate drainage
We are the only company to curve wedge wire HEELGUARD channel and grate drainage