A walkway, as the name suggests is a place for walking. As an activity, walking implies a journey. Journeys can get fast-paced if you are in a city or a place of work. Or, they can be slow and contemplative if you are at leisure in a park or retreat.
No matter what the purpose of your walking journey is, walkway design is an opportunity. When care is taken to ensure that the walkway is fit to its purpose, it takes on an aesthetic quality that elevates a user’s experience. An iconic walkway that drives home this point is ‘The Loop’, developed by in Holscher Nordberg Architects for a social housing development called Værebro Park, in Copenhagen (Griffiths, 2016) . The Loop is a sinuous ribbon of weathering steel that meanders through the housing estate, creating a path, slide and aerial walkway all in one! The Loop is a functional object of great beauty that pulls children in to interact with it, in all sorts of ways.
In Australian walkway design, apart from the issue of appeal, aesthetics and beauty, designers have to ensure that there is compliance with Australian standards and codes. To be considered functional in Australia, walkways must comply with Australian Standard (AS) 1657:2018. This standard sets out all expectations that a walkway must meet from design through to installation and everything in between. The main concern is safety. To ensure safety, AS 1657:2018 sets out a compliance framework around ‘slip resistance’, ‘guardrails’, ‘loading bars’, ‘drainage’ and more (QLD Government, 2018).
If you are in the market for a high-end design solution that meets the safety and compliance standards, then Paige Stainless steel walkway grid is for you. We use stainless steel as a material of choice for flooring, guardrails, load-rails and so on. We can customise fabricate each of these elements for a unique walkway, bridge, working platform and/or ladder. For accessible flooring in these situations, we can supply floor grating (also known as flooring grid, bridge grating and so on) in custom patterns and arrays. Our speciality – wedge wire heelguard grating- easily lends itself to a range of design sensitivities. Supplied with a slip-resistant finish and fast-draining, it can be finished in a wide variety of colours and plating choices. Our stainless steel walkway grid is corrosion resistant and easy to maintain. It is easy to clean and brings in a sense of quality and hygiene.
Paige Stainless Fabrications have been around since 1993. We have demonstrated our commitment to quality in design and construction since our inception. Call us now to discuss your latest design needs. Our service offerings include consultation at all design stages (concept to detail), full CAD drafting service, on site measures, fitting and installation.
Qld Government. Design Considerations. WorkSafe QLD.
Griffiths, A. (2016). Holscher Nordberg Architects creates play area framed by a single metal ribbon. Dezeen.