Produced for architects and designers
Made for the building and plumbing industry
Bespoke item custom-fabricated to requirements
Suitable for:
Slip resistance in line with AS4586
Surface openings in pedestrian areas (AS3996)
Wheelchair and walking cane safety (AS1428.2- Clause 9)
Bicycle tyre penetration resistance (AS3996- Clause 3.3.6)
Aged & Health Care Drainage | Commercial Drainage |
Courtyard & Al Fresco Drainage |
Pool and Spa Area Drainage |
Pedestrian Area Drainage | Multi-Residential Drainage |
Landscaped and Streetscape Areas | Car Park &
Driveway Drainage
Lifetime warranty on materials
10 year warranty on workmanship
27 Cessna Drive, Caboolture QLD 4510 | | 07 5499 1511
No one else has manufactured Heelguard to the Architectural Industry for over 20 years to the Australian Design Standard!
100% Australian Owned.
Material selection covering grade 304 / 316 / 515.
Manufacturing to the architectural industry for 20 years.
Certification available upon request.
‘Designing for aesthetics and functionality’.
Wheelchair compliant AS1428.2 (part 2 clause 9C)
Cycle safe AS 3996 (clause 3.3.6)
Grates Aligned to Aust / NZ standards for LOAD RATING.
Grates aligned to Aust / NZ standards for SLIP RESISTANCE VALUES.
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