Paige Stainless is `LEADING THE WAY FOR A GREEN FUTURE` in the manufacturing sector. We are currently seeking `GREEN TAG` accreditation for our manufacturing facility in Caboolture Queensland to provide this service to the industry. Paige Stainless have recognised the future of designers and architects now being bound by government and building regulations to provide , where possible, products that have `GREEN TAG` accreditation.
To give this some credence Paige Stainless have recently undergone a complete power upgrade from mainstream grid supply to 100% solar supply. We are the first company in Queensland to undergo this task on the scale of hand, some 1800 SQ meters under a roof of manufacturing facility being completely solar driven, a huge undertaking with excellent results.
We have the capacity to run (while the sun is shining) at 100% `green power` and to back this up we have approx 3 days of battery reserve power if required. Of course, should we experience inclement
weather for a duration of time we have the luxury to swing back to mainstream power giving our customers the security of continuity of supply all year round.