Multi-Storey Dwellings


Stainless Steel Grates Multi-Storey Residential Buildings

At Paige Stainless we fabricate a range of products ideally suited to the construction of multi-storey residential dwellings. Our range of stainless steel linear grates can be applied from the basement carpark to the rooftop garden and every space in between, going beyond drainage application to sleek design features. 

As the fabricator, we can deliver on bulk orders and satisfy custom requests, thanks to an inhouse team of experts.

Linear rates for multi-storey constructions

At Paige Stainless, our heelguard lgrates are of civil drainage durability with the aesthetics demanded of bathroom drainage. With linear grates featuring pressed trays, or a welded frame construction, all your linear surface water drainage needs are covered.

Our linear grates are available in load classes A through D, and are made from corrosion resistant 304 or 316 grades stainless steel. They are therefore applicable for indoor applications such as bathroom drainage, or outdoor, including driveway, carpark, pool or landscaping drainage.

Enhancing Accessibility

Paige Stainless fabricates a number of products with accessibility in mind. From our heelguard entry mats to our threshold drains, navigating an entryway has never been so easy.

Our grated entry mats replace traditional forms of commercial front door mats, swapping fabric for a heelguard grate. Unlike some forms of door mat, slip resistant grate entry mats are inlaid in the surrounding flooring, creating a level plane. The heelguard grating allows water and debris to pass through the narrow openings while preventing high heels from becoming trapped.

Threshold drains serve a different function. Typically installed at balcony thresholds, this unique style of linear drain is installed with the balcony door creating a drainage, rather than a raised, water barrier. Aside from creating a level plane at the doorway, threshold drains are highly prized for their visual impact, minimising the appearance of divide between indoor and outdoor spaces. Interestingly, threshold drains can also be fabricated for windows.

Other products of interest

Floor grating and stair treads

Heelguard grating can make a unique feature in both indoor and outdoor locations, thanks to its sleek aesthetic, the lustre of stainless steel, as well as properties of drainage (which also mean light is allowed to pass also).

Floor grating is often used for decks, platforms, stair treads (including spiral staircases), and walkways, for example.


Stainless steel handrails are an easy-clean solution with a modern look. Suitable for stairs, balconies and beyond.

Bespoke access covers

Concealing services underground, pool pumps for example? Our custom access covers can accommodate a variety of pit sizes, while blending in seamlessly with the above-ground aesthetic.

Constructing a multi-story dwelling? Contact us now.

If you are constructing a multistory dwelling then drainage is an important feature. You can satisfy building code for floor waste with our durable, and sleek,  stainless steel solutions. Thanks to the superior nature of their construction, our linear grates can be applied to pool decks, driveways, carparks and landscaping.

If creating a level plane at entrance ways and thresholds is among your objectives, then our heelguard entrance mats and threshold drains are the product for you.

Bottom line: If you are constructing a multi storey complex,. Contact us, your one-stop supplier of heelguard grating and linear surface water drainage products. Custom a specialty.

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No one else has manufactured Heelguard to the Architectural Industry for over 20 years to the Australian Design Standard!

  • 100% Australian Owned.
  • Material selection covering grade 304 & 316.
  • Certification available upon request.
  • Wheelchair compliant AS1428.2 (part 2 clause 9C)
  • Cycle safe AS 3996 (clause 3.3.6)
  • Grates Aligned to Aust / NZ standards for LOAD RATING.
  • Grates aligned to Aust / NZ standards for SLIP RESISTANCE VALUES.
  • Our Heelguard stainless  steel grate and tray plus grate and frame systems product has undergone Full GreenTag Certification (Global GreenTagCert™ GreenRate Level A Certified) meaning it is both:
  • LCARate Gold Streamlined” and “GreenRate Level A” certified.
  • Designing for aesthetics and functionality.
We are the only company to curve wedge wire HEELGUARD channel and grate drainage
We are the only company to curve wedge wire HEELGUARD channel and grate drainage

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